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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How you want to look sweet

Salam every body..

You know what..your smile can make some one feel better.. thats why have 1 proverb "Senyum itu sedekah". Every morning to your self first. Look at mirror and smile to your self first and say have a nice day or pray for muslim.

Then before you out "salam dengan cium tanggan" if you with your family or at least say "pergi dulu".

If you walking see a round you. And give smile for every person look you. Is OK if there not give back smile. Some time is feel difficult..but you try it. You day feel better.

If you doing mistake please say "maaf" or sorry.. The mad situation will slow down.

If you send email or receive email dont forget to reply and say thank you. Below I have some the cute email from my inbox. Even I dont know who the sender but I will smile after I read the email:

  1. thankyou (^_^)
  2. tq a lot Puan Nor Azlia....^_^
  3. Received with thanks
  4. Ok noted with thanks.
Ok so don't shy to smile every body and laugh as you can... hahaha...

Lastly don't hesitate to comment my writing..tq (^_^)

(P/s: Cukup untuk english lesson hr nie..setiap hri kene spent 1 jam untuk individual lesson. Target 5 jam per week..30 mnt writing and 30 mnt read....)

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